Displaying 121 - 130 of 163.
Father Makarios Yusef of Abu Qurqas told al-Wafd about how he convinced AFP-correspondent Lachlan Carmichael about the unity of Muslims and Christians in Abu Qurqas. The RNSAW spoke to Carmichael who referred for his opinion to his article in the Middle East Times.
Mustafa Bakry, editor-in-chief of al-Usbua blames bishop Wissa and others for believing that the USA will be able to protect the Copts in Egypt. Solutions need to be found in Egypt, not abroad. Those who say that Christians are treated like second degree citizens are abandoning the truth and...
The author argues that it is in the interest of the Israeli secret service to saw discord between peoples of different denominations in the countries surrounding Israel. Examples are given from Egypt and Lebanon.
Opinion article about the consequences of the killings in al-Kosheh. The author writes about national unity and is of the opinion that those who call for the setting up of political parties on religious basis should shut up once and for all.
Anyone who reads the declarations of emigrant Copts and the declarations of the centers adjoined to them thinks that Egypt is an apartheid society like South Africa in the past. Some might even think that every Muslim in Egypt carries an machine-gun on his shoulder all the time to deal with any...
Why did Al-Azhar close its doors before the Copts after it had embraced the prominent ones? Why did the Copts forget their uprising against the last Coptic Prime minister? Why does not the state adopt a national project to finish off the demon of fanaticism?
Shortly after the BBC introduced a poll about the possibilities of peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians that, many violent scenes happened in four Islamic countries, namely, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Lebanon. The poll raised many questions about the future of the minorities in...
Whatever the circumstances were, or the excuses, what happened last week in Al-Koshh that is located in Upper Egypt should not pass away without strict and harsh punishment for everyone who caused or participated in or encouraged the disaster.
During the celebrations of the new millennium, the extremists turned on the riot fire in Al-Koshh and they tried to transfer the flames to the whole country. The great surprise is that 15 strangers started the shooting in Al-Koshh. When these strangers saw the police they ran away.
Mr. Gamal Asaad Abdel-Malak, the ex-member of the People’s Assembly and the member of the executive committee and Al-Amal Party [The Labor Party], commented on the disastrous incidents that have happened in Al-Koshh by the following: "The wise men of the nation should intervene and the attempt to...


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