Displaying 31 - 40 of 61.
Interfaith dialogues should be to help the people better understand other people’s religions. They should not be established to discuss dogmatic beliefs.
Christianity, as the case in Islam, has the spirit of fraternity, tolerance and love, according to Rajā’ī.
The author argues that religious differences should not affect he way in which people of different faiths interact and states that Christianity does not harbor any enmity towards other religions.
Asked about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt following the Dunshwāy incident, Lord Cromer said: “In Egypt, I found no Muslims and Copts. All I found were Egyptians, some of whom go to the mosques and others go to the church.” The author argues that Lord Cromer’s interpretation of the situation...
The lives of both Mary Magdalene and Rābi‘a al-‘Adawīya were divided into two parts, the first halves very different from the second halves dedicated to the love of God.
Stereotypes about people from other groups are false and misleading. Being in Egypt, one is continuously reminded of Western biases and the widespread conviction that the West has targeted Islam, that Western Christians are making an effort to destroy Islam and that; in fact, we are witnessing a...
Misunderstanding the nature of the Islamic authority and judging Islam in the light of what happened to Christianity are the two reasons behind misunderstanding the relationship between Islam and secularism. Acknowledging the freedom of belief and thought, refusing the idea of the religious...
The Copts Daily Digest placed a criticism of an article of Dr. Zaghloul el-Naggar which was published in April. Dr. Al-Naggar wrote in that article that the revealed books before the Qur’an, including the Bible, were all lost or altered. Pastor Ameal Haddad wrote a strongly apologetic response,...
The Head of the Pontifical Council for Inter Religious Dialogue sent a message to Muslims on the occasion of the Lesser Bairam. He wrote that the month of Ramadan is a time for Christians and Muslims to remember their spiritual bonds. He pointed out that the UN declared the year 2001 an...
The author believes that publishing the photo of Virgin Mary in Al-Ahali newspaper is an action against national unity; publishing such a photo supports Christianity while it undermines Islam. It is an activity against the constitution and the law. It means that the Holy Virgin is pleased with...


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