Date of source: Sunday, August 25, 2002
Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi´s book "Islam spread by the sword: true or false?" reviews the history of the spread of Islam since the Prophet till the fourth caliph. The book can be considered a historical testimony that Islam is a religion of love and peace and has never been a religion of violence...
Date of source: Thursday, July 4, 2002
No one can doubt the loyalty of emigrant Copts to Egypt. However, a very small number of them perform suspicious acts such as publishing paid anti-Egypt advertisements in newspapers with Jewish tendencies. Such paid advertisements taint Egypt´s reputation. Copts may have some problems but they...
Date of source: Sunday, May 26, 2002
After the events of September 11, it was said that Islam wanted to attack the Western civilization and that Christianity wanted to take revenge on Islam. Involving religions in the events in Afghanistan is against the voice of reason. The American attack was not aimed at Muslims in Afghanistan. It...
Date of source: Sunday, May 12, 2002
The author criticizes the way Dr. Nabil Luka Bibawi writes about emigrant Copts. He commented on two of his articles. He concluded that Egypt needs emigrant Copts, as they occupy high social positions. Getting close to them cannot be achieved in Bibawi´s way of writing about them. Full Text Dr...
Date of source: Thursday, March 28, 2002
Richard Lowry, a Christian American writer, wrote an article in the American magazine “National Review” in which he called for striking Mecca with an atomic bomb. Christians should realize how provocative this article is. What if a fanatic Muslim writer would make a similar call for the Church of...
Date of source: Friday, February 17, 2006
The author of the article comments on a book about the Prophet Muhammad by the Christian writer Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī. He explains that while Christian and Jewish clerics added to their holy books, the Islamic faith remained unchanged.
Date of source: Thursday, February 16, 2006
The author reviews the progress achieved in solving the issues surrounding the building and restoration of churches during President Mubārak’s rule. He argues that a unified law regulating the building of all places of worship would offer final solution to the problem.
Date of source: Saturday, February 11, 2006
Professor of Islamic sharī‘a, Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī [Reviewer: a Copt], who has written a number of books defending Islam, has recently published a book entitled Muhammad Salla Allāh ‘Alayh wa Sallam wa al-Khanājir al-Masmouma al-Muwajjaha Ilayh [The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be upon...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 7, 2005
The Moroccan Ministry of Awqāf has nominated Professor of Criminal Law, Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī, for the King Muhammad V Islamic Thought Award for his book Zawjāt al-Rasoul Bayn al-Haqīqa wa al-Iftirā’ [The Prophet’s wives...between truth and falsehood].
Date of source: Sunday, October 17, 2004
Dr. Bibawy is the author of sixteen books, a Ph.D. five times over, and going for the sixth. He has been very bold in the face of repeated criticism from Christians who believe he is too much of an advocate for Islam. In this interview Dr. Bibawy answers questions related to Christian-Muslim...