Date of source: Sunday, April 8, 2001
A suspicious pamphlet from an unknown source asked for direct American intervention in Egypt’s affairs and for the American Marine forces to be stationed in Egypt to defend [American] foreign affairs here. It considered Copts as American subjects not as Egyptian citizens. It mentioned that churches...
Date of source: Sunday, February 20, 2000
This is a statement about the recent events of Al-Kosheh. Hundreds of cultured people in Egypt signed it. These people care about the country’s concerns.
Date of source: Sunday, February 6, 2000
The author looks at why the State insists on maintaining certain policies, and overlooks certain mistakes occurring within the political, media and security sectors. These mistakes have proved to have a disastrous effect on Egypt, especially in areas that suffer from deterioration of economic and...
Date of source: Monday, January 24, 2000
Maybe that is the first time since the sectarian incidents of Al-Zawya Al-Hamraa that the church changes its religious speech language to a stricter one. Al-Kiraza magazine of the Coptic Church, whose editor-in-chief is Pope Shenouda III described the [dead of the] incidents of Al-Kosheh as Coptic...
Date of source: Thursday, January 20, 2000
It seems that Egypt’s enemies do not want us to enjoy peace. They want to mess around as they like and interfere when they like... We have to call for a national conference in order to be able to face the new plans supported by America and Britain. We should be alert to what is published in the...
Date of source: Monday, January 10, 2000
The Coptic former member of Parliament, Gamal Asaad, says that there is a crisis that should be handled and a priest whose role should be restricted. The Coptic researcher Rafiq Habib and the Christian historian Yunan Labib Rizq believes the violence was related to a poisoned public atmosphere
Date of source: Monday, January 3, 2000
As if Egypt needed more problems, emigrant Copts are adding another one on its mountain of problems. Because the sickness is in the same body, and because our biggest worries come from inside, the solution always comes from inside, as Abnodi [an Egyptian poet] said in "Dying on Asphalt", ’the...
Date of source: Saturday, December 25, 1999
The author briefly outlines the nationalist cooperation and generally peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Egypt over the last century. Yet in view of certain repeated accusations of Coptic Christians he asks the questions: Is there a deterioration in the principle of citizenship that...
Date of source: Friday, December 24, 1999
The Israeli policy is aggressive and does not change. The people who carry out this policy are the only thing that changes
I reject normalization with Israel
I refused to participate in the Bethlehem 2000 Conference because I will not enter the Holy City while it is still partially...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 8, 1998
A group of veiled women wearing face covers distribute extremist audio tapes in the women’s section of the metro in generous quantities. "Muslims should be ready for the confrontation with the Christians before the Christians attack us" is the message.