Displaying 121 - 130 of 566.
The verdict given in the action of Al-Kosheh has caused a strong line of division between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians. Most Muslims accept the impartiality of the court while many Christians, inside and outside Egypt, expressed their anger in articles, letters and interviews about the verdict....
Egyptian security sources denied that new clashes, between Muslims and Copts, had taken place in Al-Kosheh and warned against any attempts to stir up sectarian strife there. Bishop Wissa said that a burning substance had been thrown at three of the Copts’ houses in Al-Kosheh and one of the doors...
The Attorney General decided to appeal against the ruling given in Al-Kosheh action after examining the reasons for the court’s ruling. A time for holding an emergency session to examine the Attorney General’s appeal will be set.
The Freedom House translated a letter Bishop Wissa of Al-Belyana about the attack on four Christians homes in Al-Kosheh.
The author comments on Mr. Hassan Bayoumi’s article "Begging in the name of the country’s infirmities," which was published in Al-Ouds Al-Arabi. He is of the opinion that Bayoumi was prejudiced towards the rulings of Al-Kosheh, which he believes were unjust and that Copts have become strangers in...
Judge Mohammed Afifi, who gave the ruling in Al-Kosheh action, said that the sentences relating to the twenty Christian people, who died in the incidents, were ratified. Bishop Wissa said that the church leaders had confidence in the judicial system and that they would not enjoy their rights...
Michael Meunier, president of US Copts Association, was upset about the statements Al-Ahram, January 31, attributed to bishop Yo’annis, secretary of H.H. Pope Shenouda, in which he supposedly criticized the World Council of Churches which was seen as a response to a statement of the World Council...
According to Al-Ahram issue of January 31, 2001 H.G. Bishop Anba Youannes, criticized the World Council of Churches (WCC) for holding private meetings or working sessions or even having private recommendations on specific issues. H. G. also asked that not only the Coptic orthodox church but also...
The author criticized the stance of the state towards compensation for Al-Kosheh victims and urged it to assume its responsibility and at least compensate them. He also criticized political and media circles for not taking the initiative to relieve Al- Kosheh victims’ pain. He believes that the...
The authors refer to an article, published in Al-Ahram, that recounted the incidents of Al-Kosheh and concluded that the sentence of the court to release all the accused was to make Al-Kosheh enjoy the happiness of both Christmas and the Lesser Bairam. They believe that the story is completely...


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