Displaying 1721 - 1730 of 1784.
The statement issued on the incidents of Al-Kussh Village by Pope Shenouda III, last Friday after a series of negotiations with the heads of the state security.
In the final week of last September I was told by my colleague Mustafa Abaza, who is an ex-general, about the incidents in Al-Koshh and the violent and unwise actions of some of the police investigation officers against suspects of a murder and other crimes, which is an action that is not new to...
The coverage of events in Al-Koshh, which appeared in the Egyptian media, focused more on asserting the national unity between Muslims and Christians, that all is well and the relations between the two religions in Sohag is very strong, however no one really told us what the real story was.
Minister of Interior, Habib Al-Adly, has announced ending cooperation with any person proven to commit violations. The ministry does not cover up any violations, and has transferred four police officers from their posts after the incident of Al-Koshh in Sohag in order to insure the neutrality of...
The Human Rights Organization, which made the report on Al-Koshh village, said that the torture of Muslims and Christians was not a case of religious persecution. It was just a case of police abuse towards the Egyptian citizens.
We call on all Christians in Egypt to condemn what is being said and written in the foreign media concerning persecution of Copts in Egypt.
The Sohag issue seemed to be settled. Expatriate Copts stopped sending faxes and the bishop had stopped making trouble. Then on October 25 the Sunday Telegraph came out and blew the story up. Members of the foreign press in Egypt scoffed at many of the statements in an article of Al Ahram.
Minister Adly says there was a plan to blow the incident of el-Koshh out of proportion to disturb social peace in the country.
The British Sunday Telegraph has published another article yesterday by Christina Lamb who claimed two weeks ago that Copts in Egypt are subjected in Sohag to crucifixions and rape by the police.
The Sunday Telegraph has continued its suspicious campaigns against Egypt claiming Copts are persecuted. It published another article written by Christian Lamb. She claimed in her first article that more than 1200 Copts were arrested, tortured with electric shock and crucified.


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