Displaying 371 - 380 of 1784.
The verdict passed by al-Minya Criminal Court on May 21 convicting 12 Copts and sentencing them to life imprisonment while acquitting eight accused Muslims in the same case, known as the Abū Qurqās sedition case, has caused widespread anger among the Copts. Arab-West Report asked intern Cassie...
Kees, Cornelis Hulsman, a prominent Dutch reporter who has been covering Egypt's news, especially those related to the Egyptian Coptic community since 1976. Hulsman is seen in the Netherlands as one of the one of the reference figures and experts in the Egyptian affairs. Hulsman is invited to...
Right after the January 25, 2011 revolution, several phenomena and attitudes that require in-depth studying floated onto the Egyptian political playground. As far the Egyptian general Christian affair, Christian protest movements have become a significant indicative example.  
Hundreds of Copts are visiting Jerusalem during the Passion Week for the first time since the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III who prohibited pilgrimage to Jerusalem out of opposition to the Israeli occupation of the holy city, according to officials from the Egyptian carrier Air Sinai...
Coptic legislator Ihāb ‘Ādil Ramzī of al-Hurrīyah Party in al-Minya severely criticized the Muslim Brotherhood’s recent announcement to field Khayrat al-Shātir as its candidate for the forthcoming presidential election, adding the group is only bringing back to life the dissolved National...
Which images and stories are to be trusted? Copts and Muslims being united in Tahrīr Square in January and February 2011? Coptic Orthodox Priest Father Yu’annis and Salafī Shaykh Hamdī cooperating in the Upper Egyptian village of Qufādah or those of October 9, 2011, with raging armored vehicles,...
The U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedoms report grilled the ruling authorities in Egypt, which, it said, caused religious freedom violations, adding Egypt, the heart of the Arab Spring, has seen hope turning into panic after human rights deteriorations under the Supreme Council...
In post-Revolutionary Egypt the government is in a weakened state with little or no capacity to enforce laws. Many citizens have chosen to take advantage of this power vacuum to construct churches, mosques, and other buildings in their villages. This article highlights construction in several...
Cornelis Hulsman has given us on March 16 a good opportunity to know more about his activity through the news agency Arab-West Report.  
Nevine is a member of the Evangelical Church of Egypt who is inspired by Evangelical Christian leaders who seek to unite in order to fulfill God’s plan for herself and her fellow Egyptians.  


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