Displaying 111 - 120 of 578.
The governor of al-Minyā, donated the first 1000 Egyptian Pounds toward the building of a church in Samāllūt. He said that his donation came as “an Egyptian citizen, not as the governor of al-Minyā.” In addition, ʿĀtif Amīn, a man from a Muslim family in the village, donated 500 Egyptian Pounds for...
Tawadros inaugurated the new church of virgins and martyrs. Besides Tawadros, a number of representatives from the Christian community of Egypt attended the prayer. Read more here.
The Egyptian Housing Ministry agreed with the request of Pope Tawadros to grant a piece of land in new Cairo to the Coptic church in order to build a supplementary headquarters to the St. Mark’s Cathedral in ‘Abbāsiyya. The Ministry also agreed to increase the area of land designated for building...
President ̔Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī today issued a presidential decree to license an Anglican church. 
Permission given to build a church in Istanbul for the first time in the history of Turkey  Sources with the Prime Minister’s Council confirmed that the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has agreed to give a piece of land to a Christian tribe to build a new church in Yashīl Kawī in Istanbul. The...
Differing opinions between Coptic movements and activists over the upcoming parliamentary elections have recently come to light. The official position of the Church is not to interfere in the electoral decisions of Copts, whereas activists and the Coptic Movement are united in calling for a boycott...
In post-Revolutionary Egypt the government is in a weakened state with little or no capacity to enforce laws. Many citizens have chosen to take advantage of this power vacuum to construct churches, mosques, and other buildings in their villages. This article highlights construction in several...
Christians are partners in the nation and must enjoy their rights and do their duty toward Egypt, rejecting quotas for Christians in parliament and public positions and calling for efficiency to be the criteria regardless of religion. [‘Abd Ilāh Muhammad, al-Akhbār, March 8, p. 6] Read text in...
On February 1st, Elizabeth Kendal, an international religious liberty analyst and advocate, published an article titled, “Egypt: The Gross Insecurity of the Dhimmī,” for Assist News Service (ANS), an online publication based out of California. Her goal in the article is to advocate for the...
  Bishop Yu'annis, secretary of H.H. Pope Shenouda III, said that the Coptic pope sent his approval of the law on the construction of houses of worship and churches to the Egyptian Cabinet and the Supreme Military Council. Bishop Yu'annis added that the Pope had intended to visit the Grand Shaykh...


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