Displaying 81 - 87 of 87.
Al Ahram newspaper published, on December 1, an article titled: "The Mufti denied the declarations attributed to him that praying in the Nazareth mosque is not accepted according to the Islamic Sharia." What attracted the author’s attention was the Mufti allows mosques to be built close to churches...
Dr. Nasr Farid Wassel, the Grand Mufti of the Republic denied the statements that media channels outside Egypt had attributed to him, that is that praying in the Nazareth mosque is not accepted according to the Islamic Law.
Over a thousand years ago, the site on which the mosque is built, currently the scene of major renovation efforts, witnessed Sayeda Zeinab’s advent to Egypt. She was described as the "heroine of Karbala’," rallying troops at the battle, providing them with water and food, treating the injured and...
A prominent emigrated Copt asks 10 questions regarding the treatment of Christians in Egypt.
The author criticizes an article in Al-Osbua which criticized plans of Ministry of Endowments to set aside 50 million Egyptian pounds for building mosques.
The Azhar restoration was completed at the cost of LE 50 million and will be opened by president Mubarak.
The historical mosque of Haj Hassan al-Aswani, dating from the year 315 Hijra [Islamic calendar, 10th century AD], is close to collapse. Restoration is behind schedule because there are no finances.


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