Displaying 11 - 20 of 434.
The ministerial committee concerned with licensing and legalizing the status of churches and Christian places of worship is still searching through the old papers of thousands of buildings. The total number of churches whose status was legalized increased to 1,882 churches and service buildings.
The Egyptian state is a unique example of co-existence between religions and national unity.  It has strived to ingrain and promote tolerance, peace, and equality regardless of religion or creed.  In light of these efforts, the media center for the Egyptian Cabinet has published a report that...
Isḥaq Ibrāhīm, a researcher within the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, said that recent events in al-Buḥayrah are yet another example of the recurring story of church closures creating sectarian tension. In the absence of a license to build a church, the people of the village of Kūm al-...
The Egyptian Cabinet's committee charged with looking into the status of unlicensed churches to grant them legality has approved on 2 April 2020 the legalization of a new batch of houses of worship.
Since President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī took office in Egypt, he has taken care to achieve the principle of citizenship and defeat any effort to divide citizens not through scripted phrases but through serious work and emphasizing the unity of the Egyptian people.  
Father Michael Anton [Mīkhāʾīl Anṭūn], representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church, revealed before the ministerial committee in charge of legalizing church conditions, that the work of the committee is in favor of the principle of citizenship, as directed by President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī. In...
Prime Minister Dr. Muṣṭafā Madbūlī presided over a meeting of the committee in charge of legalizing churches.  The meeting was attended by the ministers of justice, housing, and of parliamentary affairs, as well as representatives of the relevant authorities.
Dishnā prosecution in Qinā governorate renewed the detention of two Copts and six Muslims from the village of Fāw Baḥarī for another 15 days under pending investigation of incidents that happened New Year’s Eve.  Copts in the village were prevented from praying, and one of Copts’ homes was burnt...
The Fifth Circuit of the Supreme Administrative Court, led by judge ʿAbd al-Raḥman Saʿd, decided to postpone a ruling in an appeal case that was put forward against a decision by the Egyptian Government that outlawed the demolition of the Rashīd Church. 
The media center for the Cabinet of Ministers published an infographic, which brought to light the most recent result regarding the number of legalized churches and buildings in application of Law No. 80 of 2016.  The state committee for the legalization of unlicensed churches, which was formed in...


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