Displaying 61 - 70 of 219.
AWR was pleased to cooperate with Encounter, a program of ABC radio, Australia. For the interviews and transcript of ABC please check this address: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/encounter/stories/2011/3147651.htm#transcript  
Christians lament discrimination when it comes to employment and the workplace on the grounds of their faith. They believe that they do not enjoy equal opportunities on the job market in Egypt. Furthermore, they add that discrimination on the career market only adds fuel to their accumulating...
Yūsuf Sidhum provides a contextual analysis of the recent attack on the Church of the Two Saints, Saint Mark and Pope Peter in Alexandria. He says that even though authorities suspect foreign involvement in the terror plot, the attack could not have been carried out unless the foreign groups in...
In this editorial, Yūsuf Sidhum comments on the outpouring of anger on behalf of many Coptic Christians following the attack on a church in Alexandria that left 24 dead. Sidhum alleges that this reaction comes not only because of the recent bombing, but as the result of a "long history of blatant...
An official Swiss television channel aired a video investigation that claims that copts in Egypt are persecuted, and forced to live in slums. The video angered Islamic communities in Switzerland and European countries. The Swiss Islamic Shura council issued a declaration condemning the video...
The author criticizes Archbishop Athanasius Dāwūd’s call upon Iraqi Christians to flee their country because of al-Qā‘idah’s threats. He says that the call gives the impression that Arab Christians are guests in the Arab world who should flee to the West as soon as they sense danger. He also says...
This article looks at a new grassroots movement among the Coptic Diaspora which was established in Washington this past weekend. Almost 100 Coptic Christian community organizers from around the globe gathered to discuss religious freedom in the Middle East and future lobbying efforts for the rights...
This article introduces further documents that record the conflict between the Church and the State during the 1980s.  
In this article, the author introduces documents that record the conflict between the Church and  State during the 1980s.  


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