Displaying 1331 - 1340 of 1484.
The United States released its first annual report on religious freedom worldwide on Thursday (September 9, 1999)... Regarding Egypt, the report admitted that the non-Muslim Christian minority generally practice[s its] rituals without any interference, but it claimed that there [is] some societal...
The United States produced the first annual report about religious freedom in the world. The report claimed that there is some discrimination in society and government against the Copts in Egypt.
The report of the American Foreign Ministry concerning religious freedom in the world spoke about the climate of religious tolerance in Egypt, and it said that the [Egyptian] government had decided to support the teaching of both Coptic and Byzantine history in the schools, just as [also] the...
A report produced by the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs about religious freedom criticized practices to which women and the religious minorities are exposed in Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The report of the American Foreign Ministry about religious freedom in the world confirmed that President Hosni Mubarak implemented the necessary procedures to facilitate and support religious freedom for Egyptian Copts.
[This text was downloaded from the following URL: (http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/irf/irf_rpt/fs_990909_irf.html)] The full text of the Fact Sheet as downloaded off the internet.
Pope Shenouda said that the Christians would not accept any foreign interference in order to solve their problems. Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the Minister of Al-Awqaf, believed that most of the things that are published abroad about Muslims and Christians were not correct. President Mubarak said...
In the secular societies, religion is not considered as one of the main foundations on which the country, its constitution, and principal law are based. Accordingly, all the citizens of this country will not feel any discrimination whether they are Christians, Muslims or Jews. But if the society...
The discussion at the press conference of the New York Council of Churches on June 28 [transcript presented in last week’s RNSAW] was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union. Before the press conference Drs. Cornelis Hulsman interviewed Rafique Iscander, chairman and founder of the...
Since the Egyptian media have frequently referred to the press conference on Christian girls allegedly being kidnapped the RNSAW decided to present here the full transcript of the discussion which took place in New York. The discussion was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union who had...


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