Displaying 1361 - 1370 of 1484.
The delegation of the Coptic priests in North America confirmed their complete support to the President and his policy. Bishop Soryal, the head of the delegation, declared that the Coptic churches outside Egypt are representing Egyptians who are proud of their nationality. He added that the people...
Shaykh Fawzī Fādil al-Zifzāf comments on the claims that he, on behalf of the Azhar, signed the Ambassadors of Peace’s ‘Document of Religious Rights’ which prevents intervention to prevent Christian proselytizing or evangelizing a Western Christian doctrine that runs counter with the Eastern...
The controversial ‘Document of Religious Rights’ signed in April 2005 by the then head of the Azhar’s Interfaith Dialogue Committee, Shaykh Fawzī al-Zifzāf with visiting U.S. Christian clerics has made headlines in Egyptian press.
The author slams calls to kill those who desert Islam for other religions, emphasizing people’s freedom of religion.
[The text was placed a second time, with some changes, on June 30, 1999] Ten girls are mentioned by name. The advertisement claimed that they, along hundreds of others, were kidnapped, sexually violated and forced to convert to Islam.
President Mubarak started his visit to the USA last Saturday. During that period, the American campaigns against Egypt developed. Some of the American organizations prepared a report about the persecution of the Copts in Egypt. The report accused the Egyptian government of rewarding the police...
The author, a high ranking Coptic Orthodox priest in Egypt, answers some points raised by emigrated Copts (mainly in the USA) alleging the persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt.
The author answers some points raised by emigrated Copts (mainly in the USA) alleging the persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt.
A prominent emigrated Copt asks 10 questions regarding the treatment of Christians in Egypt.
Two representatives of an organization called "Freedom House" in the USA claimed that they came to Egypt to make a report about the persecution of Copts in Egypt. A representative of this organization visited Egypt and met Boutros Ghali, the minister of the Egyptian economy, in order to give him...


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