Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 1484.
Pope Shenouda confirmed in the recent press conference that the reputation of Egypt is important for the Coptic Church. He also said that Copts care about the success of the visit of Mubarak to the USA because he is the greatest symbol of this country. Pope Shenouda also insisted on the President...
As the furor surrounding Law 153/99 for civil associations dies down following its ratification, everyone has settled down to wait for the executive regulations describing its implementation. "With any law, the way that it’s implemented is much more important than what’s theoretically written in...
The season of the American campaigns against Egypt has started. The opening headlines of one of the biggest newspapers - "New York Times" - started its campaign against Egypt last month by criticizing the new law of the civil associations and describing it as "a law that aims at keeping the...
[Essentially the same information as in the article in the Al-Ahali newspaper entitled "The season of American campaigns against Egypt has started."]
Some extremist Coptic groups are attempting to provoke tensions during President Mubarak’s visit to the United States. The Egyptian Ambassador to the USA in an interview discusses some of the attacks and Egypt’s position.
Dr. Boutros Ghali, secretary-general of a francophone organization [and former secretary-general of the UN], affirmed that President Hosni Mubarak has succeeded in containing fundamentalism and achieved [political and social] stability. In a radio statement in Washington, Ghali said: "Persecution...
A list of examples of Copts known for their patriotic stands is given. The article is a response to the current campaign in the USA to highlight the alleged persecution of Copts in Egypt.
A cheap and senseless intervention in Egyptian internal affairs is currently being launched through a number of platforms: big American newspapers, false advertisements campaigning against Egypt through allegations of persecution of Copts, circulation in the US Congress of reports and statements...
The claims of religious persecution are directed against us and our development. Our enemies use them for their own benefit. We do not accept any kind of guardianship over us and we do not want any interference from others in our affairs.
The devil of the sectarian strife is Maurice Sadek. Sadek in turn accuses the Coptic Orthodox Church to behind the stories about young Coptic girls by mentioning Dr. Nabila Mikhael, a member of the Maglis el-Milli(the General Church Council), who is also working at the secretariat of H.H. Pope...


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