Displaying 31 - 40 of 57.
This article outlines the issue of religious veils in Europe and the supposed danger they pose to the society.
During the 15th International Conference of Islamic Philosophy at Cairo University titled "Prospects for Interaction between Islamic and Western Thought," the importance of interaction between these traditions was stressed.
This article deals with the issue of the burqa in non-Muslim countries, more notably, and the focus of this article, within Belgium. The burqa is said to be a security risk to many, because faces cannot be seen, but it is also a personal rights issue. Recently, there has been discussion of a draft...
Al-Wafd interviews Dr. ‘Alī al-Sammān, former counselor to the president, asking about reasons and solutions for fitnah in Egypt. 
This article deals with the delicate issue of the wearing of the Niqab in France. Most in France disagree with the wearing of this certain veil because they fear it is a forced wearing by Islamic society, but is not actually the choice of the women wearing. The disagreements are fierce, and even...
In this article the the author describes the culture of questioning, which he believes to be the only way towards development and changing the passive, static, stale state of Arab countries. By adopting this cultre, however, they may able to reduce the gap with the rest of the countries all over...
Le Monde reports on the French government expelling a radical Islamist cleric for sermons which they deemed to be inciting violence. The preacher will now return to his native Egypt, although no information is given as to what will happen to him there.  
Heading in the opposite direction to France, some British local councils hold swimming sessions restricted to those wearing the ‘Burkini’ Islamic swimming costume.
The author reports on Father Marqus ‘Azīz, priest of the Hanging Church, his extreme stances and his attacks against the state and Muslims of Egypt.
German minister of interior delivers a lecture at Cairo University about the significance of interreligious coexistence and the role of religion in society and politics.


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