Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
The author believes that Annemarie Schimmel is an example of honesty in orientalism. She gives a background of her life and work.
The author gives a brief background about Annemarie Schimmel and how he got to know her. He claims that he received many letters from her and that these letters indicate that she converted to Islam before passing away.
The article sheds light on 34 characteristics of Annemarie Schimmel as an orientalist. The author believes that she was an envoy to revive Muslims in an age of deterioration.
A brief background about Annemarie Schimmel, who was called “the Dean of the Orietnalists.” No one among the orientalists understood Islam as a civilization and a religion as she did.
Eulogy of the German Orientalist Dr. Annemarie Schimmel, the most well-known voice in the West for the understanding between Islam and the West.
Before and after the London bombings, many theories appeared, propagating hatred. Many Westerners and the "New Liberals" in the Arab world believe that terrorism began as an international Islamic movement.
The concept of ‘terrorism’ is still indefinable. The term ‘roots of terrorism’ is even more ambiguous. It has thus become very easy to link terrorism to Islam and to claim that the ‘roots of terrorism’ find a suitable environment in Islam, or in Islamic fundamentalism, as a deviation from the true...
Muslims are so unfortunate with the link of terrorist activities to Islam. Accusations linking Islam to terrorism come from forces historically and politically antagonistic to it.
Bernard Lewis delivered a speech at Georgetown University that was published later in ‘Foreign Affairs.’ Lewis spoke about Islamic political thought and presented a background about the conceptualization of freedom and justice in the Islamic jurisprudence. He cites the roots of tyranny in the...
Many books and articles incite Westerners to oppose Islam and think that it is a threat to them and to the whole world. There is also a strange persistence on creating hostility between Muslims and the West. The author wonders whether this is a conspiracy and who plans it and why.


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