Displaying 31 - 33 of 33.
Dr. Christiaan van Nispen s.j. spoke on Thursday November 3, 1999 in the Maadi Community Church in Cairo, Egypt about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. He spoke of Coptic Christians as an integral part of Egyptian society and criticized foreign reporting on Christians in Egypt.
The article of Khaled Hassan contained much wrong information damaging the image of father van Nispen. Father van Nispen wrote a letter to the editor and asked the paper to publish his response which was done on November 26. The text of father van Nispen’s response is given in this issue of the...
After, ’Akhbar Al-Hawadeth’ published the full details on the events that happened in Al-Koshh village, and after we completed our endeavor on finding out the truth. The paper interviewed a former member of the EOHR in Sohag who accused dr. Christiaan van Nispen to have asked him to establish a...


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