Displaying 341 - 350 of 478.
Offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper. Ayad Mossad, chairman Stichting Arab-West Understanding, visited AWR to help and discuss the request for NGO status.
Attention for AWR work: network building.
Report on the riots in Alexandria and the way Coptic and Christian media is reporting on this.
Efforts to obtain NGO status. Media attention for AWR work. Israeli organizations publishing about radical Arab and Islamic websites.
AWR is still dealing with the ongoing postponement of obtaining an NGO status. Recommendation of a comment showing that much of Muslim-Christian tensions are under the surface.
Understanding honor and shame in the Egyptian and Arab context resulting in misreportings on the conversion and alleged kidnapping of Christian girls. Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad cause tensions
Articles that give a good insight into some frequent misunderstandings in Arab-West relations. A Christian play in Alexandria, advising Christians in a crude way not to convert to Islam, was followed by Muslim demonstrations and violence.
Differences of thought within the al-Banna family; from Muslim Brotherhood to European Islam.
Introduction of the new AWR format and the first phase of the website www.cawu.org.
Media attention for AWR work.


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