Displaying 21 - 30 of 122.
Sources from the Azhar stated that more than ten professors of the Azhar have submitted an application to the post of head of the university.
The Committee responsible for receiving the applications for the post of the AzharUniversity president stated that today is the deadline for receiving all applications.
Dr. Muhammad Abd al- Shāfī, vice president of al- Azhar University, has been delegated to become the caretaker of the university
According to al-Azhar University’s regulations, once the current university president’s tenure comes to an end, the longest-serving vice-president temporarily assumes the role as president.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) started a Learning Center because it discovered that many African children in Cairo have big learning gaps. They had, thus far, no place to go to. For Egyptians, there is compulsory education. Syrian refugees are able to make use of the Egyptian school...
Q: Do you want Copts to enter al-Azhar University?   Yes, as a form of reform. In fact, the President asked Shaykh al-Azhar to reform religious discourse and we trust in the ability of Shaykh al-Azhar to do so.
  At the same time that Egypt exited world rankings in the quality of education, there were voices calling for the need to merge al-Azhar and the public education [systems] together.
Writer Aḥmad Bān wrote an opinion article published by Al-Taḥrīr on reforming the religious education in Egypt. 
Background: The tape concerns an interview with Dr. ʿAbd al-Muʿṭī Bayūmī, professor ʾUṣūl al-dīn (sources of Islam) and scholar at the Azhar University. He tackles the issue of enlightenment in Islam while criticizing the Islamist views of Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī’s. Bayūmī praises Azhar Shaykh Dr....
Al-Azhar is lost between the old and the new!


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