Displaying 81 - 90 of 129.
America thinks that Israelis are Semites, and by supporting Israel, it is supporting Semitism. America thinks that whoever does not support Israel is anti-Semitic. Since Arabs do not support Israel, they are anti-Semitic. The author believes that it is nonsense to say that Arabs are anti-Semitic...
President of the Azhar University responds to George Bush Jr. He demands that Islamic leaders contend against Western allegations and Western accusations against Islam and Muslims. He adds that those allegations and accusations have reached a point where the West is demanding the closing of the...
Almost one month after the September 11 attacks, a British delegation asked to visit the Azhar and its institutes, and conduct interviews with students to know their opinions and beliefs. The president of the division of the Azhari institutes told the delegation that the main significance of the...
In this article, the Egyptian Minister of Education comments on the fear that the United States will start interfering in the education system of Arab countries like Egypt because they embrace Islam as the national religion. He said that no person, government or organization has the right to...
The US accused the Azhar University of teaching students by using a strict approach that leads to extremist thinking and to the establishment of terrorism. That was why the US asked the Islamic countries to reconsider the approaches they take in religious education. The article gives the comment of...
The article discusses the need for changes in the Arab educational curricula. It calls for focusing on this objective and considers Western interference in this respect just a stone thrown into stagnant water.
The author provides a commentary on the Muslim Brotherhood, criticizing its actions and beliefs, and warning that it is gaining substantial ground toward becoming the political leaders of perhaps multiple Arab nations.
Abu Zayd, the Egyptian intellectual who was declared an apostate, claims that Egyptian universities are intellectually stagnant and that modern ways of thought must be introduced.
The Azhar University has welcomed a proposal for teaching human rights curriculum in the Azhar faculties.
In this interview Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, the Grand Imam of Azhar, answers questions about Islamic-Christian dialogue, developing the religious discourse, Azhar education, rights of women in Islam and others.


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