Displaying 161 - 170 of 346.
Pope Tawāḍrūs said that Egypt has a national amity that binds all, and that feasts are a good chance to express this.
Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy, Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyyād, said that Islamic scholarly science was founded through communication between the Islamic sharīʿa and the understanding of reality, which includes theology, Ṣūfīsm, and logic as theories that embody this understanding.
On Monday (January 15), Pope Tawāḍrūs II attended a PhD thesis defense meeting at the Coptic Orthodox Theological College (COTC), headed by the General Bishop and Deputy Dean of COTC, Anbā Mīkhāʾīl.
Rev. Andrea Zakī, the president of the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, said that President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s visit to the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral on Christmas Eve is a model of bringing true citizenship from words into action, and confirms that all Egyptians from all religious...
As controversy renewed with the beginning of a new Gregorian calendar year, al-Azhar and Dār al-Iftāʾ issued fatwās related to the greeting of non-Muslims over their holidays. Some pages re-published a video for Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, urging Muslims to congratulate non-Muslims...
The year 2023 witnessed strenuous efforts and activities by Al-Azhar Global Fatwā Center to spread awareness and correct misconceptions of Islam through integrated programs by scholars of the center and maintaining an intensive presence on all media platforms.
Throughout 2023, al-Azhar magazine has published several articles by renowned scholars of al-Azhar in Egypt and the Arab world on a host of important topics, such as studies of the Qurʾān and the Sunnah, heritage, discourse renewal issues, scholarly studies of the sharīʿa, history, and the Arabic...
Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy, Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyyād, said that the academy attached special importance to the Palestinian issue during 2023, as al-Azhar’s great interest in this cause is pivotal for both the Arab and Muslim nations. He said that al-Azhar has exerted tremendous...
Religious institutions in Egypt rejected “seasonal unofficial fatwās” prohibiting congratulating Christians for Christmas, adding that whoever promotes these opinions is considered to be a hardliner who has nothing to do with Islam. Al-Azhar said in a statement that people who deem congratulating...
Between inspiring and decisive humanitarian positions to stop disputes and to protect feelings and sanctities, al-Azhar has spent the year of 2023 leading campaigns on all religious and political levels, from protecting the Holy Qurʾān when it was burned in a number of European nations, to assuming...


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