Displaying 271 - 280 of 353.
A researcher in political Islam groups’ affairs said that the issue of religious discourse is absent from the National Dialogue. He added that President ͑Abd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī has made successive remarks for the renewal of religious discourse.
Activities of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church’s Synod, under Patriarch Yūsuf al- ͑Absī, are continuing until Saturday (June 24) at the patriarchal seat in al-Rabwa, Lebanon.
Copts are getting prepared to mark the anniversary of the June 30 revolution. This day also marks nine years of the rule of President  ͑Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī, whom some Coptic figures praise for the laws that brought about relief in Coptic circles.
A member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Shaykh Khālid al-Jindī, said there is some misunderstanding about the ḥadīth (the Prophet’s tradition) that reads "(The Prophet Muḥammed said) A people who make a woman their ruler will never be successful." [Reported by al-Bukhārī].
Al-Azhar Mosque held a forum to refute skeptics’ allegations over the sacrifice rituals in Islam. It was attended by a host of senior clerics and scholars of al-Azhar.
A legislator said more efforts need to be exerted to maintain the Egyptian identity and confront the spread of the Salafī ideology that undermines the Egyptian character, calling for the better use of opportunities through Egyptian TV channels to accomplish this.
A religious writer discusses his personal viewpoint that the difference between true Ṣūfism and some of today’s Ṣūfīs is like the difference between the great religion of Islam and today’s Muslims.
The word ‘despise’ was mentioned in the Holy Qurʾān in the present tense, but was related to human feelings towards each other. As for feelings towards religion, it was mentioned in the sense of derision and mockery. So, is there a punishment adopted by the Qurʾān for the contempt of religion?
Dr. ͑ Alī Jum ͑a, a member of al-Azhar’s Council of Senior Scholars, said the term ‘real estate development’ is a modern one that did not exist in the books of heritage and old fiqh (jurisprudence). Accordingly, a faqīh (theologian) must thoroughly study the history of real estate development and...
Dr. Muḥammad al-Hawwārī, Assistant Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy, said true citizenship provides an authentic guarantee for societal peace and foils any attempts to sow division among the sons of the homeland.


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