Date of source: Thursday, October 17, 2024
On Wednesday, 16th October, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune accused “extremist circles in France” of “attempting to distort collective memory and consign it to oblivion.”
Date of source: Friday, April 12, 2019
The current protests in Algeria and Sudan prove a set of basic facts related to Arab politics.
First, the peoples deprived of freedom might desist from demanding it under the burden of the harsh living conditions or for fear of the repressive security apparatuses. However, they come back to...
Date of source:
Cornelis Hulsman was invited by Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund in the U.K. to attend a Christian conference in Cyprus that dealt with the position of Christians in various predominantly Muslim countries.
The countries in focus are Algeria, Uganda, Malaysia, Nigeria,...
Date of source: Monday, March 14, 2011
AWR's Diana Maher Ghali presents a press review covering three days: March 11, 14, and 15, 2011, where news focused on the rebuilding of the church of the Two Martyrs, Saint Mina and Saint George in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh (Helwan governorate) and the victims of the clashes between Muslims and...
Date of source:
In its recent book “Islam and the challenges of the 21st century,” the Gama?a Islāmīyah critiques the theory that confrontation should take place between Muslims and Christians, and East and the West. The Gama?a responded to those propagating this theory and asked Muslims not to consider any human...
Date of source: Sunday, December 10, 2006
The author calls on international media and civil society to help in the promotion
and protection of human rights in the Middle East.
Date of source: Friday, December 8, 2006
The writer talks about the political role of Islamic groups in
the Arab Muslim world in an attempt
to answer the question: Is Arab democracy possible without Islamists?
Date of source: Monday, December 4, 2006
article talks about a member of
al-Qa‘īdah who spies for European intelligence. This double agent
gives a detailed
picture and secret information about what happens inside the al-Qa‘īdah camps,
as well as
information on Ūsāmah Bin Lādin and his men.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Growing fundamentalism has become terrorism and has targeted intellectual and political elite. The reasons for these developments and their consequences are mentioned in the following text.
Date of source: Saturday, September 30, 2006
Due to its concern about cross-
civilization dialogue, France has called for a
Euro-Mediterranean forum to eliminate the cultural gap that divides
its coasts.