Displaying 1 - 10 of 28.
Qummuṣ (Archpriest) Shārūbīm Ibrāhīm Misīḥa of Archangel Mikhā’īl Church in Sinnūris, al-Fayyūm diocese, presented a Master’s Degree thesis on the role of Copts in the building of the modern Egyptian state in the era of Muḥammad ʿAlī Pāshā (1805-1848)’ at the Coptic Orthodox Theological College in...
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina organizes the fourth webinar of the 12th Coptic cultural season titled “A Survey of Coptic Heritage in the City of Rashid” and delivered by Mr. Saʿīd Rakhā, Director General of Rashid National Museum, on Monday, May 30.
Coptic emigration has gone through numerous stages for different reasons. “Coptic diaspora” (aqbāṭ al-mahjar) mainly refers to Coptic immigration to European countries, the US, and Australia. Waves of migration to these countries began in the early 1960s, and it was a common for Egyptian citizens...
Despite Muṣṭafā Kāmil’s large presence in Egyptian political life at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, his death didn’t change much for the Egyptian national political move against the English.  Muḥammad Farīd and others were able to complete his trajectory...
In his book, Impressions of Egypt [Inṭibāʿāt ʿan Miṣr], French voyageur Étienne-Louis Malus observes the impact of French culture and schools established by French missionaries on Egyptian society at the beginning of the 19th century.  Even though these schools were established and run by monks and...
The crisis in Libya has led to an increase in tension between Egypt and Turkey. The relationship between the two countries has been difficult ever since the Egyptian coup d’état in July 2013, except for the economic exchange between the countries which reached 5.3 billion USD. 
Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit
Egypt’s train station on Ramses square is considered one of the busiest places in Egypt nowadays. For those who know it nowadays, it is hard to imagine what the station was like decades ago, when the press was boasting that there were 17.000 travelers passing back and forth through the station...
One of the oldest and most important churches in the republic and the world, and was part of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt. According to priest Mattiyās Murīs, the church was prepared under the supervision of Patriarch Buṭrus Buṭrus Basṭūrūs, under-Secretary General of the Diocese of Kafr...
Al-Rifāʿī Mosque combines between the Mamlūk heritage and the beauty of the European architectural design. Located in [Mīdān al-Qalʿah] the Citadel Square, it stands as an artistic and architectural masterpiece attesting to the magnificent Egyptian buildings that combine between the oriental and...


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