Displaying 11 - 20 of 58.
Her father was accused of betraying ʿUrābī and his revolution, and that he was a reason for facilitating the British to enter Egypt. She was also shocked by the death of her brother, who was the one who understood her most, despite her young age. When she was a child, she was forced to marry...
The author confirms the nationality of Copts and their love of Egypt, refraining from the English report which declares that the cause of Copts' participation in 1919 Revolution was their fear of Muslims.  
This article explains Sādiq’s claim that the use of Nile Water in Egypt can be used to the benefit of Coptic activists. He calls on Ethiopia to use Nile water as a bargaining tool for Coptic rights in Egypt. 
The year 1911 witnessed two important conferences. The first was a Coptic conference held in March to shed light on some of the Coptic demands and problems in Egypt. In response, an Islamic conference was held in April to discuss the Coptic demands, and at the same time warn against the religious...
The author sheds light on a book that documents the Coptic press between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
The article provides an overview of the quota assigned to women in Egypt’s People’s Assembly, and a brief history of women’s participation in the political scene in the country.
The Religious Liberty Group of the World Evangelical Alliance has written a report on the escalation of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. Hulsman quotes from the report and adds his own comments.
The book One Nation; One People, was compiled and written byAl-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies in 1982. The book provides a scientific analysis of the question of national unity in Egypt.
The article discusses the author’s view of how Egypt will change over the coming years, and how these changes will affect the minorities in the political and social spheres.
The article represents evidence of the brotherly Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt throughout history. Christians fought the British occupation hand-in-hand with their Muslim citizens.


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