Displaying 141 - 150 of 3715.
The three weekly publications ran simultaneous interviews with the Sheikh of the Azhar, Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, who was angry about the accusation of being away during the strongest ever controversy in the Egyptian society, which was about the novel "A Banquet for seaweed."
Al-Gama’iya al- Tashri’aya [Society for the Application of the Sharī‘ah] condemned in a sharp worded statement the publishing of the novel "Banquet for the Seaweed". The article reviewed opinions of the Azhar scholars. After reviewing the scholars’ opinions, the writer turned to the accusation...
In the past some Copts have been complaining that the Egyptian press has not given (enough) attention to Christian religious feasts. This is why we have listed the articles related to Easter.
An overview of Egyptian press coverage of Pope John Paul II’s visit to Egypt during the period February 24-26, 2000. This is the period in which the Pope was in Egypt.
An overview of three articles dedicated to Sheik Sha’arawi.
An overview of different articles on Sheikh Al-Sha’arawi
Discussion about the issue of divorce in the Coptic church, the ten conditions under which divorce was allowed in the 1938 law, and Pope Shenouda’s rejection of these conditions.
Subtitles:The leaders of terrorism who have escaped to London.1- The escaped terrorist Adel Abdel Hamied raises funds from the Islamic center to finance terrorism.2- Moustafa Hamza leads the training in the terrorist farms in Sudan.The author discusses the West’s involvement in terrorism in...
The largest spiritual gathering in France was held recently to show Westerners that not all Arabic speakers are Muslim and that there are a significant number of Christians in the Middle East too.
This article contains the reply of Pope Shenouda to a demand by Wasiem Roushdi Al-Seici that the pope erase the verses of the Torah that attack Egypt.


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