Displaying 211 - 220 of 3715.
After the attacks of September 11, a kind of polarization happened with the followers of the three heavenly religions. Moderates from the three religions can unite and form a religious coalition. The current war will not be able to put an end to terrorism. Accordingly, there should be an...
The grand prelate Anba Gregorios was different from all the other bishops who are filling all kinds of churches. He was most erudite in theology, a saint in spirituality, an ascetic in monasticism and a ferocious fighter who was willing to wage a fierce war in defense of the faith.
The 96 persons accused in Al-Kosheh riots will be retried before the Sohag Criminal Court. The Court of Cassation accepted the appeals lodged by the Supreme State Security Prosecution against the acquittals they were given.
No person has ever wronged his religion as Usama Bin Laden did in his speech aired by Al-Jezira TV. He spoke about jihad in Islam as if it was terrorism that attacks randomly and kills innocent people, simply because they belong to America, which supports Israel. At the same time, when the USA...
In cooperation with the Egyptian Committee for Consolidating National Unity, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies held a seminar about the new international developments and their impact on Egyptian national unity. All participants condemned the terrorist attacks against America and...
The person behind the first violence and religious extremism cases in the 1970s in Egypt was a Palestinian called Saleh Serria. This means that terrorism in Egypt was imported and then it became locally made. The only winner of the radical terrorist war is Israel because it does not want...
The world became an incomparable theater of the absurd; America, the greatest country in the world, attacked the poorest country in the world, claiming that it was the one behind the attacks of September 11. By choosing Afghanistan, America found a good reason for its presence in the region of the...
Arabic and Western thinking was impacted by the theories of Huntington, Fokoyama and Bernard Lewis who made the clash between cultures and the end of history something inevitable. Current events were explained in the view of theses theories. However, we need to consider deeply what is going on...
Western countries, led by the USA, are committing a great historical sin, if they keep making decisions for the future at a disturbed time. They have the right to protect their interests, but to insist on drawing a picture of the future now is a real danger for the whole world. We are all in the...
The CIA is focusing a large part of its efforts on discovering the role of Egyptian elements and their influence on the structure of the Qa’ida group, led by Usama Bin Laden. This is the result of an assumption that these elements played a major role, and that understanding the nature of this role...


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