Displaying 2421 - 2430 of 3715.
Universities are the place where secret marriages between university students are one of the problems that threatened the moral life of these students; especially because students in that phase of life are driven by the uncontrolled emotions of the youth. In 1997 a social researcher found 31...
A controversial fatwa, or religious edict, issued by Sheikh Al Azhar proclaiming that it is against Islamic religious precepts to borrow money for the purpose of conspicuous consumption could derail an upcoming mortgage law and further stall the economy.
Interview with sheikh Dr. Sayyed Tantawi on housing loans. In previous articles words were put in his mouth which were not true. The sheikh approves of these loans if buying that house is a necessity for his family. Loans for other purposes, such as purchasing luxuries or making financial gain are...
The Russian Orthodox Patriarchate decided to send Archpriest Dimitry Netsvetaev to Egypt. He obtained a church-building from the Greek Orthodox Church in Cairo but has no funds to restore the building which had been neglected for decades.
Walking through the ancient lanes of the Roman fortress area, surrounded by the earliest-built churches in Cairo, one can find sanctuary form the chaos of modern life with all its noise and pollution.
Self-proclaimed archpriest Habil Tawfiq touched off a controversy a couple of weeks ago when he decided to mark the 13th anniversary of the miracles he worked.
A man claims he is a priest, that the pope tried to have him assassinated three times and the church had refused to recognize him. Yet, he carries official papers which identify him as a priest and he says : "I was secretly ordained as a priest because I am blind.
There is a new wave of attacks in the form of advertisements in western media from emigrant Copts. For the thousandth time, emigrant Copts continue their cheap trials to destroy the national unity by claiming that Egypt has become a place for sectarianism and that having a tattoo of a cross or...
Egypt’s state prosecutor called yesterday for two brothers who killed a Coptic Christian priest to be given the death penalty, court sources said.
Exploitation of religion in international relations is not new in human history. Whether created by man or inspired by God [the so-called "heavenly religions" considered by Muslims to be Judaism, Christianity and Islam], religions have been the basis of many of the world’s alliances, wars and...


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