Displaying 2641 - 2650 of 3715.
In this article, the author of the substitute of the Sunna involves the name of Libya’s president in the same case. He said that Al-Qadhafi and he had taken their information from one source and consequently the results were the same.
At last, the author of the substitute of the Sunna book appeared in Cairo. Al-Mahdawi failed in the first exam that was held by Al-Ahrar newspaper of him. It was known that Al-Mahdawi denied the Sunna and yet he described the deniers of the Sunna as being damned on earth.
The lying prophet, Rashad Khalifa, continues in stating his lies. He said that the Muslim prophets are only three. They are Ibrahim, Mohammed and Rashad Khalifa, the last prophet sent by God. He also said that all the prophets who preceded him had not received from God a tenth of what he has...
After two months of investigations Al-Azhar declared that Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin is innocent of the charge of being an apostate. This is important in the history of Al-Azhar because it is witnessing a period of transformation in its way of thinking in order to cope with the requirements of the...
Mr. Y. H. Zarate says that he heard from his Saudi friend that it is not permissible to say good things about any property or any person for fear that this may bring something bad to that property or person. This is the belief in envy or the so-called evil eye. Zarate wonders whether there is any...
The city of Alexandria has witnessed a small celebration which was held by the Culture Council in the memory of the Islamic opening of Egypt. It had been 14 centuries since the Islamic opening of Egypt. During the symposium, a number of history professors spoke about Egypt’s cultural and...
Sheikh Tantawi says incest is in complete violation of the Qur`an and that those who commit incest should be severely punished.
The hopes and expectations for Mubarak’s coming period of presidency are summarized by a well known Christian columnist.
A supposedly Christian man who is 73-years old in Minoufia is exposed by his wife for being so interested in black magic that he used to leave his family starving and go to spend his money on black magic. Many people used to help his family so that they would not die of starvation.
The prosecutor-general of Sohag decided to reopen the investigations in the incidents of Al-Koshh. 200 Copts presented their complaints to the new prosecutor in which they were asking him to reopen the investigations in the cases of torture by policemen after two Christian men had been killed in...


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