Displaying 2721 - 2730 of 3715.
Frequently questions are asked about why this accident had to happen. Was it a punishment of God? Was it a terrorist attack directed against Christians? The author ponders a number of answers given by Christians and Muslims in Egypt as well as questions asked and claims made by Coptic organizations...
The principal question in this disaster is who is responsible for this disaster?
A police report shows the driver of the truck was responsible for the accident because he drove on the left side of the road.
The author relates two different versions of the accident which happened on Friday July 23, 1999 involving a truck and two buses carrying young people from Mar Girgis Church in Heliopolis in which many of the bus passengers died. He asks what will happen regarding the department which issued the...
In spite of the horrible accident at Beni Suef, internal tourism [by Egyptian Christians] was not affected by it. The trips to the monasteries are organized daily in order to get the blessings of the Saints there, and are considered the cheapest trips inside Egypt.
On July 23, on the Cairo-Minya highway a terrible accident happened in which 33 Christian youth lost their lives. There is growing public outrage against the huge number of road accidents which occur annually on Egyptian roads. In 1998 alone, 5,000 people were killed and 22,000 injured in 23,000...
"Power to Change" was the theme of the World YWCA’s 29th council in Cairo. Throughout the conference, Egypt was acknowledged as an excellent example of co-operation between Muslims and Christians by encouraging to work together in all fields of voluntary work.
The author contends that what exists in Egypt is a sort of tribal fanaticism. He says that this may manifest itself on occasion but religious fanaticism is unknown by Egyptians.
"The seven pillars of the Egyptian Identity" is the title of a book by Dr. Milad Hanna who says that the Egyptian identity is a mixture of seven pillars; four main pillars and three subsidiary ones. The four pillars are: the Pharaonic, Greco-Roman, Coptic and Islamic. The three subsidiary pillars...
Recently there has been a campaign against the emigrant Copts. But prominent writers here in Egypt [both Muslim and Christian] have recently been writing to point out that not all the accusations against the emigrant Copts have any evidence to back them up and that Copts do actually experience...


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