Displaying 3141 - 3150 of 3715.
The Israeli government has officially requested Egypt that it [be allowed to] build in Cairo the largest synagogue in the Middle East together with a Wailing Wall. Israel said in its request that was sent via diplomatic channels, that Egypt’s acceptance to this request will assure and strengthen...
In a seminar titled "Religious and Political Extremism in Israel" organized by Ain-Shams University, discussions and research concluded that Jewish extremism in the most dangerous sort of religious extremism.
The Ibn Khaldoun Center is criticized for holding a seminar to discuss the benefits of marrying Israeli women, which concluded that the purpose of encouraging such marriages is to limit the state of tension between the two peoples and to reduce violence by blending in and to peacefully co-existing...
A growing Charismatic movement amongst Christian youth, especially amongst the Protestants is compared to Dervishism and Sufism in Islam, and the question is posed: Is there Dervishism in Christianity?
The article outlines some of the events that happened when an Egyptian delegation to the United States met with an American delegation there to discuss some of the claims made by Coptic groups there concerning persecution of Copts in Egypt.
Egyptian people disappeared from Islamic historical books, making Egypt to seem as if it was, on the eve of occupation, an empty, uninhabited stretch of land. Hardly any references have been made to the Egyptian people or the Copts. By omitting the Coptic age in syllabuses they think in a non-...
Dr. Sa’ad Al-Din Ibrahim of the Ibn Khaldoun Center accuses Egyptian authorities of carelessness and considers himself the only one who cares, in the opinion of Rose El-Youssef. Gamal As’ad says: Egypt is not in need for these suspected syllabuses. This article contain excerpts from the many...
The Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Bahaa’ Al-Din insists that the existing educational syllabuses are against extremism, addiction and ethnic discrimination, and teach tolerance and that while there is a deficiency in some syllabuses he has charged d the Higher Committee for History with the...
Anybody who seeks some fame, and not least access to unlimited funds, can now harp on the tune of minorities in Egypt. This has been the case with ’Ibn Khaldoun Center’ which leaves no opportunity slip by without speaking about the rights of minorities in Egypt and suggesting that they are being...
It seems that extremist groups have managed to infiltrate again into university using the atmosphere of freedom. They are trying to impose their extreme ideas by stopping all the activities of university students.


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