Displaying 3311 - 3320 of 3715.
The article lists the most popular books in Egypt. Both are on Islam.
Wa’il El-Ibrashi explains in this article the thoughts of Dr. Abdel Shahin who wrote a book on Adam who was born from a father and a mother and not from clay as the Qur’an teaches. Dr. Shahin’s book has been attacked by sheikh Morgan from Saudi Arabia.
Sheikh Yousef el-Badri asked his former colleague Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin to repent over a book he wrote about Adam. If Shahin doesn’t repent, Badri will bring him before court and ask the judge to divorce Shahin from his wife such as the two sheikhs did together with Dr. Nasr Abu Zaid a few years...
Around 2000 years ago the Holy Family fled to seek refuge in Egypt fearing persecution from the Roman Emperor. The Virgin Mary, baby Jesus and Joseph fled from Palestine, trekked through the Sinai desert until they reached the Nile Delta.
One of the most important projects Egypt is embarking on is giving great importance to re-pave the road that was taken by the Holy Family during their visit to Egypt.
For the first time since the days of Nasser the Christmas prayer was broadcasted life. In the past decades, however, the Christmas celebration in the Coptic Cathedral was broadcasted the day after.
This paper made a special Christmas supplement giving several Christian authors the opportunity to write about the importance of Christmas in Christian faith.
The year 2000 celebrations will witness a project of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism to draw the map of the Holy Journey into Egypt.
The sycamore tree, which is believed to have given shade to the Holy Family during their journey into Egypt, has become a renowned landmark and a tourist site.
Marriage does not take place during the fasting seasons, which are from the last week of November till January 7 (43 days), and between February and April (55 days) in addition to fasting periods depending on the Coptic calendar. These fasting periods cause a rush in marriage ceremonies after the...


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