Date of source: Tuesday, June 30, 1998
This article is a continuation of another one published last week about the missionary origin of the American university in Cairo.
Date of source: Monday, June 29, 1998
The law governing employment in churches refer to it as a workplace and specifies that priests and other workers in the church are self employed.
Date of source: Thursday, June 25, 1998
Sheikh Sha’arawi was the foremost television preacher and was able to influence millions. Sha’arawi’s aim was to maintain traditional religious values in society through convincing people to adhere to these values. The authors believe he died at a time that the tide of religious conservatism may...
Date of source: Friday, June 26, 1998
America on Line announces that it has canceled a site on the Internet that contained forged Qu’ranic verses.
Date of source: Thursday, June 25, 1998
The historical mosque of Haj Hassan al-Aswani, dating from the year 315 Hijra [Islamic calendar, 10th century AD], is close to collapse. Restoration is behind schedule because there are no finances.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 23, 1998
Orthodox and Evangelical churches attack each other through video tapes.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 23, 1998
The holy council issued a decree that the period spend by a monk in the city should not exceed six consecutive years after which he should return to his monastery.
Date of source: Thursday, June 25, 1998
88 new members of the Shura (consultative) council were elected and 47 members appointed. Among the newly appointed members were three prominent Coptic businessmen. This raised to nine the number of Copts in the Council and to nearly 40 the number of businessmen.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 23, 1998
The writer believes that although Copts are a minority, they are not necessarily persecuted.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 23, 1998
Al-Sha’ab opens the file of another book in the AUC library that it considers to be against Islam.