Displaying 481 - 490 of 3715.
The statements given and the attitudes adopted by senior American officials and European leaders after Bush’s crusade statement indicated that there were attempts to give the attacks against Afghanistan the dimension of a crusade-in the religious sense- against Islamic terrorism-something in the...
After the attacks of September 11, 300 Christian-Zionist groups surfaced and started attacking Muslims, through the different mass media they control. Such groups are Protestant Christian groups penetrated by Zionism and they believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people and that Muslims follow...
The leaders of the Zionist and American-Jewish organizations admitted their worries over the increasing power and activities of Islamic organizations in the US. More important and dangerous now is the admission of such restrictive pro-Israeli organizations of being the ones behind the strong media...
When the Islamic and Arabic media deal with the attacks of September 11 and its consequences as an Islamic war against western-Christians and say Muslims must be supported, the ordinary Christian finds himself in a denominational quandary. He asks himself if it is a conflict between Islam and...
What Al-Arabi published about the article of Youssef Sidhom pushed the author to think about the role Arab-Christians play concerning the issue of Jerusalem. He reached the conclusion that the issue of the Arab identity of Jerusalem is one of the things to prove that Copts agree with the rest of...
Many writers criticized Youssef Sidhom for his article "Why did Egyptian Students demonstrate?" Those who commented on Sidhom’s article did well by not giving their comments a religious dimension. Many Muslims adopted an even worse attitude than that of Sidhom and no one criticized them.
Many Christians commented on Al-Arabi’s article "Americanized Christians turning against the pope" which criticized an article by Youssef Sidhom. All comments assured the solidarity of Egyptian people, from all religions, towards the Arab-Israeli conflict. The same comments showed that many...
The author believes that most of the comments that were written on Al-Nabaa’s article about the expelled monk, especially those connecting it with national unity, lacked correct judgment. He is of the opinion that Al-Nabaa’s problem had nothing to do with national unity and that the whole story was...
The Editor-in-Chief of Al-Nabaa was sentenced to three years imprisonment with labor and ordered to pay 200 LE as a fine. The offending issues of Al-Nabaa and Akher Khabar papers were also confiscated. This ruling is a final one that cannot be appealed against and it will be executed once the...
The State Security Misdemeanor Court will hand down its final ruling regarding the case of Mamdouh Mahran, the editor in chief of both Al-Nabaa and Akher Khabar papers, the day after tomorrow. Mahran was accused of publishing an article accompanied by pornographic photos about the sexual life of...


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