Displaying 491 - 500 of 3715.
A group of Egyptian professors have compiled the "Coptic Encyclopedia" in English and published it in America. Until now it has not been translated into Arabic. The encyclopedia touches upon many different subjects that have to do with the Bible, the culture and the history of the Coptic...
On the occasion of the Coptic New Year’s Day, the Christian Church of Egypt gave a presentation in the auditorium of UNESCO, Paris, under the title of Le Nil Eternel (The Eternal Nile).
This article speaks about the different apparitions of the Holy Virgin that were reported to have taken place in the Church of Saint Mark in Assiut, last year, and in the Holy Virgin monastery at Durunka, this year. At the end of the article, the author raises questions about this apparition.
This article gives an overview of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt, by shedding light upon a book written on the subject by three writers specialized in Christian archeology, Egyptian religious affairs and the New Testament and history of the church.
"Jewish fundamentalism in Israel" by Israel Shahak and Norton Matsvenski shed light upon the different extremist trends in Israel, the most dangerous of which is the Messiahani group. This group is the most dangerous and effective when matters are related to both the internal and foreign policies...
The state considered that the problems of the Copts were a source of headaches, preferably to be avoided. Some people claim that the state relaxed after Pope Shenouda was returned to his seat by a new appointment decree. They considered the pope, to be the representative of the Copts in all...
The German Pontifical Mission Aid Society Missio organized a two-day conference with the title "Persecuted Christians? Analysis from Asia and Africa." Missio invited representatives from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, the Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt to their conference who asked for care in using the word ’...
The Anglican General Synod of Australia accepted a resolution speaking about persecution of Christians in Egypt. The resolution was accepted without consulting the Anglican bishop in Cairo or Anglican experts in England who are well acquainted with the church in Egypt.
The American Postal service released the first American postage stamp showing both the Lesser and the Greater Bairam Feasts. The head of the Islamic Society in North America believed that issuing such a stamp symbolized that Muslims are a part of American society.
Two new members have joined the Advisory Board of the RNSAW. They are Dr. Tareq Mitri, the Program Executive for Christian-Muslim Relations and Dialogue of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, and Dr. Arne H. Fjeldstad, a Norwegian scholar with a Ph.D. in Internet Communications.


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