Displaying 5241 - 5250 of 8331.
This articles discusses Father Basyt Abu al-Khayr’s book, which he wrote in response to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.
The writers discuss the failure to enact a law, promised two years ago by President Mubārak, to cancel the imprisonment penalty against journalists in publishing cases, citing several recent rulings of imprisonment against journalists.
The author argues that religious texts in the Torah and the Bible are corrupted and that they are not the original holy books revealed to Moses and Jesus.
Adler addresses the election victory of Hamās, and also the prevalence of Islamic movements across the Middle East. He notes that their prime goals are political, rather than religious, and that they have had a major impact on the status quo of Middle Eastern geopolitics.
Lawyer ‘Abd al-Hamīd al-‘Anānī has filed a lawsuit at the Supreme Constitutional Court contesting the constitutionality of articles 3 and 3B of law no. 13 of the year 1968 and articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of law no. 3 of the year 1996, stating that they run contrary to the Islamic sharī‘a and are thus...
Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark has been recently summoned by the North Cairo Court to take the oath in the case brought against him by the beneficiaries of the will of Salīm Mīnā al-Misrī.
‘Ātif al-Ghamrī blames the Western media and ignorance about Islam for the depiction of Islam as an "enemy," suggesting ways of stretching bridges of intercultural dialogue with the West.
The article reports on a prayer conference due to be held at Wādi al-Natroun from 22 to 25 March. Five thousand people from all over Egypt are expected to attend this conference to prayer for Egypt’s progress.
The author said that expatriate Coptic activist ‘Adlī Abādīr has announced the launch of a satellite channel to criticize the unfair status of Copts in Egypt and Pope Shenouda’s support for Mubārak in the presidential elections.
The author investigates why many Coptic young men are postponing marriage and examines their fears about divorce, which is not allowed in Orthodox circles, except in a few, rare cases.


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