Displaying 5391 - 5400 of 8331.
‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt denounces Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, as containing many errors and false allegations. He adds that the book is nothing but an attack on Christianity.
The domination of the pope on the Millī Council and its candidates is the subject of criticism by the author of the article.
The Art of Flight by Davin Anders Hutchins portrays the plight of Sudanese refugees in Egypt and how much they have to struggle for a reasonable life.
Nawwāra Najm writes on the protest camp of Sudanese refugees where they lived for three months, demanding resettlement outside of Egypt, and lashes out at the government for resorting to violence and mishandling the situation.
Many Azhar scholars have rejected female circumcision and even criminalized it based on the notion that the practice has never been a duty or obligation in Islam and there are no texts in the Qur’ān or sunna [the Prophet Muhammad’s tradition] that encourage it.
The author says that Islam has stressed equality between men and women in all rights and duties, including the civil, economic, educational, political and work rights.
Tal‘at Jād Allāh highlights the position of women in the Egyptian political life, arguing that in Egyptian man-dominated society, women are deprived of many of their citizenship rights.
Despite a court ruling five years ago canceling the annual Jewish celebration at the tomb of Rabbi Abu Hasīra in the Delta city of Damanhour, al-Bihīra Governorate, the Egyptian government has allowed over 1000 Jewish personalities, to hold their annual festival.
The author comments on an article on a website, said to have links with the Muslim Brotherhood, which branded the opening ceremony of the African Cup of Nations as a return to the pharaohs’ paganism.
The decision of the muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a to allow the controversial Wahabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad, by Natana J. De Long-Bas into Egypt has provoked dispute among members of the Islamic Research Academy, who had previously announced their disapproval of the...


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