Displaying 5531 - 5540 of 8331.
Relatives of those killed in al-Kushh incidents expressed their content that a church is being built in the name of their loved ones.
Recent U.S. statements have described some Arab leaders as lacking in political adeptness and described others as failing to make required political and economic growth in their countries, while at the same time, the U.S. is allying with Islamists.
The author argues that the West is championing the project of democratization, while at the same time, it refuses the participation of a significant power like Hamās in the legislative elections in the occupied territories.
The author states that a report being distributed by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo speaks of "criminal Muslim gangs" that attack Coptic churches, run over Christian children with motorbikes and force Christian women to convert to Islam conspiring to disrupt national unity in Egypt.
‘Abd Allāh al-Najjār states that Islam has called for sustaining the principle of dialogue between religions and condemning any lethal fanaticism or aggression. He argues that religion is the most important thing in life and therefore should not be disparaged or disrespected.
In this article, author Sāmih Fawzī is criticizing Syndicate of Journalists and its Freedoms Committee Chairman Muhammad ‘Abd al-Quddous for inviting and honoring Abu Islām Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh, the owner of a web site that wages severe attacks on Christians and their beliefs.
The article criticizes web sites that spread hate and exchange insults between Muslims and Christians, as well as engaging in mutual attempts to cast doubts over each other’s faith and fake accounts about Christians’ conversion to Islam and Muslims’ conversion to Christianity.
In Fathī Ghānim’s famous novel Bint Min Shubrā [A girl from Shubrā], a Muslim man, Karīm Safwān, says, "Shubrā can never be Shubrā without Sainte Teresa." Asked by the Christian woman Maria Sandro whether he knows Saint Teresa, Safwān replies that: "My mother told me that her brother Bassyounī goes...
It is not acceptable to go along with the negative trends in a society under the pretext of maintaining stability, but what is needed is the modernization of society and a change in the way people think within the framework of citizenship.
Dr. Ahmad Sokarno ‘Abd al-Hāfiz argues that relations between Egyptians, Muslim or Christians, are best abroad, where all the causes of tension do not exist.


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