Displaying 5601 - 5610 of 8331.
A priest has called on a governor to initiate renovations of his town’s grand mosque.
The author of the article argues that Egyptian national unity is no longer as consolidated as it used to be.
The author argues that sectarian sedition is a business promoted by those who serve international interests.
The Alexandria Misdemeanors’ Court has finally closed the case of the Alexandria Muharram Bik incidents, brought by some lawyers against Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt and priests of the Mar Girgis Church, Father Antonius Fahmī and Father...
Qutb’s ideology was the driving force for many Islamic groups, some of whom, such as al-Takfīr Wa al-Hijra, have gone to extremes.
According to the article, Islam is a religion that God intended to reform the universe, and thus it cannot be restricted to worshipping and praying but must encompass the state and politics.
The author writes that the Muslim Brotherhood has made use of religion to serve their political interests. According to Dr. Midhat Khafājī, the Muslim Brotherhood has offered no party line, only dreamy slogans, to urge people to vote in their favor.
A press review of attitudes to the Muslim Brotherhood and its role in the new parliament, criticism that the group is putting party politics over the Egyptian people, and statements by leading figures in the group questioning the Holocaust.
‘Abd al-Rāziq, professor of sharī‘a and theology at the Dār al-‘Uloum says that his study of the names of Allāh has taken two years of immense research of over 50 encyclopedias comprising 20,000 books. He elaborated that many of the names of Allāh are not among the 99 attributes of God, known to...
Reader of Rose al-Yousuf, Wafā’ al-Sayyid al-Murshidī, comments on two articles by Dr. Fātima Sayyid Ahmad and Zaynab Muntasir on the obligation of the hijāb in Islam.


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