Displaying 5931 - 5940 of 8331.
Pope Shenouda continues to uphold his strict attitude towards marriage which forbids divorce, except in cases of adultery, despite being opposed by a number of fierce critics.
In an interview, Pope Shenouda III answers questions about the Coptic Orthodox Church’s stance towards expatriate Copts and the conference they were to hold to discuss persecution of Copts in Egypt. Other issues, such as the Church’s stands towards the presidential and parliamentary elections are...
The lives of both Mary Magdalene and Rābi‘a al-‘Adawīya were divided into two parts, the first halves very different from the second halves dedicated to the love of God.
Bahā’īs are prohibited from joining political parties, running in any elections and partaking in any political activities lest this should open a can of worms with the national various political and religious powers.
Interfaith dialogue committees were established everywhere especially after the September 11 attacks. Egypt’s official interfaith dialogue committee under the Azhar is headed by Shaykh Fawzī al-Zifzāf. Shaykh al-Zifzāf is interviewed over the progress made by his committee.
The Episcopal Church of Egypt, North Africa and the Horn of Africa will hold its annual meeting next week in Cairo and al-‘Ayn al-Sukhna with the participation of Muslim and Christian clergy.
In his book, Aqbāt al-Qarn al-‘Ishrīn...Sāsa wa Ruhbān Khalf al-Qudbān [20th century Copts...politicians and monks behind bars], Mīlād Hannā believes the July Revolution to be responsible for the isolation of both Copts and Muslims. Being unable to express their views freely, Muslims and Christians...
The Ministry of Awqāf [Endowments] held yesterday a national unity Iftār with the participation of the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī and Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria.
About 12 million Egyptians are Copt, but there are at least seven million above the age of 18, who have the right to vote, but do not register their names in the voting books.
A press review of articles concerning the allegedly anti-Islamic play performed in the Mar Girgis Church in Alexandria, which prompted angry demonstrations from Muslims.


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