Displaying 6171 - 6180 of 8331.
Representatives of the Presbyterian Church and members of various Jewish groups in the United States met on September 29 in New York to discuss the decision of the church to boycott Israel and any organization whose annual donations to Israel exceed one million U.S. dollars. The decision, reached...
After a year and a half of being shut down by the Scotland Yard police, the Finsbury Park Mosque was reopened yesterday and Friday prayers were held there. Supporters of Egyptian fundamentalist Abu Hamza [Al-Masry] who is wanted in the United States, established their control over it instantly...
Marc Sageman, a former secret CIA agent, has authored a book titled “Understanding Terror Networks.” Sageman, a 51-year-old holder of a PhD in sociology, said in his book that the strong friendship, not religion, was the bond that brought together extremists. Their love of one another, Sageman...
The Islamic Shura concept is similar to Western democracy in that both are based on public opinion, power that is within the hands of the ruler and the monitoring of rulers. Both notions acknowledge the idea of dividing power into three areas; executive authority, legislative authority, and...
Some western mass media consider mosques and Islamic centers in Europe and the United States as "latent enemy cells.” Dr. Sherif Al-Gindi, Director of Islamic Da’wa (call to Islam) in North America, said the US interest in mosques increased after the 9/11 incidents but that was not out of an honest...
With neo-orientalists’ hectic media campaigns, how could bridges for rational dialogue be built in a way that offers full and authentic understanding of our great Shari’a?
The US society has recently witnessed intensive campaigns attacking Islam, Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an, including Franklin Graham’s new book which betrays the author’s bias against Islam and ignorance about its teachings, said Dr. Ahmed Al-Bouhi, Vice Chairman of the Islamic Culture...
The propaganda war waged against Islam in Europe and the West has taken several shapes in order to attain its objectives, like intensification, repetition and exaggeration so that a news item remains a burning issue, haunts minds all the time and forms a public opinion in a way that intensifies...
Veiled broadcasters banned from appearance on the Egyptian television screen, demanded that Dr. Mamdouh Al-Beltagi, Minister of Information, cancel the ban thus allowing them to return to work. Broadcasters also complained of prejudices suffered from Zeynab Sweidan, head of Television, who...
I do agree with Dr. Gabir Asfour that works of art should not be subjected to censorship. However, this has nothing to do with the Egyptian movie Baheb Al-Sima. The church did not even officially ask to see it before it was released. Some men of religion considered the movie an insult to...


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