Displaying 6281 - 6290 of 8331.
The controversial question of whether the Brotherhood should be included in the [national] dialogue is now being debated, especially after the ruling [National Democratic] Party has brought up again the idea of national dialogue. Will this national dialogue be exclusive to opposition parties or it...
Dr. Muhammad Habib, the first deputy of the Brotherhood Supreme Guide, accused the National Democratic Party of being behind the exclusion of the Brotherhood from the opposition bloc. Habib refused to speak critically of Dr. Rifa'at Al-Sa'id, the head of the Tagammu Party in order not to terminate...
Most media outlets in developing countries are directly affiliated with governments and functions as their mouthpieces. That is why media outlets [in developing countries] express only the attitudes and opinions of government officials. These outlets do not advocate the interests of the public,...
Last Wednesday, the Human Rights and Democracy Office, affiliated with the US Department of State released the International Religious Freedom Report of 2004. The report includes 13 pages about Egypt. We are publishing [an Arabic translation of] the text of the report.
It is now certain that the fans of the renowned Qur'an reciter Muhammad Gebril will be deprived of the pleasure of listening to his prayers and recitals during Ramadan. Gebril was notified that he would not be able to lead prayers at the mosque of Amr Ibn Al-'As during the last ten days of Ramadan...
Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abu Al-Magd, former Egyptian Minister of Information and the general commissioner for dialogue of civilizations at the Arab League, called for applying the ethical values preached by the three heavenly [monotheistic] religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism, in order to oppose...
The secretary general of the Union of French Islamic Organizations (UOIF) Fouad Elwi held a meeting with the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France. The results of this session were beyond what was expected due to the atmosphere of tension that prevailed during the meeting....
What is the benefit of neglecting dozens of vital issues which draw the attention of our society and affect its interests, and instead, opening useless debates on issues that are the concern of others. I am saying so to comment on the ongoing controversy over the article which appeared in Al-Liwaa...
I believe that the author of this article titled “Corruption in expatriate churches” was either motivated by spitefulness or seeking to blackmail the Church. Regrettably, Sawt Al-Umma welcomed this author and offered him one half of a page to voice his ungrounded accusations and insults. Articles...
Did Jews suffer from persecution in the Islamic World? Dr. Zebida Muhammad Ata answers this question in her book titled Yahoud Al-Alam Al-Arabi…Daawa Al-Itehad [The Jews of the Arab World…Claims of Persecution]. Dr. Ata’s book responds to the accusations Jews have directed to the Islamic Shari’a of...


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