Date of source: Monday, September 13, 2004
I found a very strange letter sent on the September 2, 2004 to the US president George Bush and nine American pubic figures who are congressmen and members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedoms. This strange letter has a very astonishing title reading “An official at the American...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Dr. Mustafa Ceric, the renowned Bosnian thinker and the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina, won the UNESCO peace prize for this year shared with the French Cardinal [Roger] Etchegaray in recognition of his efforts to make peace in Bosnia and the world. Dr. Ceric asked Bosnian soldiers during the...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The debate over the veil renewed with the beginning French school year. The first day of the school year saw no problems. Muslim students who gave priority to religion over study and decided not to go to school in order not to take their veils off are a minority. Those girls decided to continue...
Date of source: Sunday, September 12, 2004
Omar Bakri, the leader of the group of Al-Muhajeroun [the emigrants] announced that the British police cancelled a conference organized by [Muslim] fundamentalists to celebrate the third anniversary of the 11 September attacks just a few hours before its scheduled time.
Date of source: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The vast majority [of Muslims] believes that it is not Al-Qa’ida that carried out the bombings of September 11. Many believe that the Zionist movement, the American intelligence or neo-conservatives may be behind these attacks. This way of apprehending events indicates that there is a collective...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The London-based Hayat newspaper published a column written by Dr. Gaber Asfour titled “The Margins of Writing.”Asfour’s writing discussed the intellectual, critical and religious storm caused by “Baheb Al-Sima” [I Love Cinema], one of the most important films that were shown in recent years. Al-...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 8, 2004
The main aim of the film is to destroy the fear barrier that takes hold of film makers when they deal with the Egyptian Coptic family that does not differ from the Muslim family. The film is the first of its kind to focus completely on the life of a Christian family from the lower middle class. The...
Date of source: Thursday, September 9, 2004
In an exclusive statement to Al-Liwaa Al-Islami, the Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, stated that developing the curricula of the Azhar is needed and no one can reject it. Dr. Tantawi added that the Azhar welcomes any development of curricula as long as it will help develop...
Date of source: Monday, September 13, 2004
Archbishop Rowan Williams made his first visit to the Diocese of Egypt since he became the Archbishop of Canterbury. The archbishop met with President Mubarak, Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, the Grand imam of the Azhar, Pope Shenouda and laid the foundation stone of Harpur Community Health Centre in...
Date of source: Sunday, September 12, 2004
Every parable tells a truth about God and ourselves. The parable shows that for God all people, regardless of religion, nationality or whatever else, are important, there are no people without name.