Displaying 6371 - 6380 of 8331.
What has happened to us that has made our youth become professional kidnappers and assassins, and made suicide operations a means of resistance and expression? I ask this question and think about the Iraqi scenario where many European journalists and Turkish and Asian workers have been killed in...
The World Islamic Council condemned the kidnapping of civilian hostages in Iraq in a statement released yesterday. Answering suggestions that the kidnapping of two French journalists was a reaction to France’s position on the question of the hijab [Islamic veil or head cover], the statement said: “...
I admired the message sent by Dr. Kamal Chatila, the leader of the Nasserist Lebanese Party, to Sheikh Al-Harthy, head of the Authority of Muslim Scholars in Iraq. The message confirms that Muslims disagree with the barbarous acts committed by some Iraqis in the name of Islam or national liberation...
The latest incidents in Iraq are the most obvious evidence of our malady. The nationalists, the fundamentalists would rather call the latest incidents “resistance to occupation.” But the other side of these incidents is the inner illness of this society. This illness made it possible for what is...
The kidnappers of foreign hostages in Iraq, whether they are affiliated with Al-Qa’ida or not, demand the removal of foreign military presence. They try to achieve this through kidnapping civilians whose only fault is that they are citizens of a certain country that agreed to the US’s call and sent...
The Lebanese Shiite religious authority Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadl Allah, released a statement that dealt with the child-hostage taking in Russia, and with events in Iraq. The statement said: “We reject – strongly – the hostage-taking of children in their school in southern Russia. We also reject...
There is a thin red line between veritable honorable resistance and acts of terrorism that not only harm Eastern Arab Muslims but also contemporary society in general. Acts of terrorism, which occupy the spotlight in the media, becomes horrific for everyone. Our image now after the broadcast of the...
The kidnapping of hostages, killing them and displaying their corpses on satellite television are all acts far beyond the rules of legitimate resistance. Instead, they are all criminal acts of terrorism that harm the resistance more than it benefits it. It further distorts the image of Islam and...
Hundred thousands of Copts are facing a legal, constitutional plight. Those Copts obtained divorce verdicts under the personal status law for non-Muslims. Nevertheless, they are not able to put these verdicts into effect and remarry because Pope Shenouda III does not approve these divorce verdicts...
The article of Dr. Samir Girgis about dictatorship in the church sparked many feedbacks, among which is a comment sent by Mansour Sawiris, a member of the Church of St. George in Heliopolis. Mr. Mansour Sawiris stresses that he is not among those close to Pope Shenouda whom he met only once two...


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