Displaying 6461 - 6470 of 8331.
Now the whole world is talking about reform, the Muslim Brotherhood does not want to miss the boat and has immediately released reform initiatives. Their initiative is very rational and polite; they spoke of citizenship and the honor of voting in elections. But is this vision compatible with the...
The Muslim Brotherhood never forgets its aim, which is to take hold of power in Egypt. They are not frank enough to admit it. After a period of silence, they have again started a dialogue with opposition parties. The outcome of the past months did not smell of anything positive as the mutual...
The strong disagreements that broke out between Al-Tagammu [left wing] Party and the Muslim Brotherhood were due to the personal opinions of Dr. Rifa’at Al-Said who is against the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam. Al-Said said that the fact that Al-Tagammu agreed to meet with the Muslim...
In his book “Fundamentalism - The Search For Meaning” Malise Ruthven wrote: “If we want to search for a peaceful solution to the world’s diseases, we should develop a cultural understanding of the military religious activities known as fundamentalism.” The book focuses on the Islamic world, yet it...
An animated session of Watani Forum hosted a round-table discussion on Christians of the Arab World. Participating were a number of Egyptian intellectuals and religious figures, as well as Lebanese Jesuit Brother Danny Younis.
Many reporters, especially those working outside Cairo, have turned into salesmen of advertorials (paid advertisements) and propagators of governors’ achievements, in violation of all professional ethics. The Journalists’ Syndicate and the Supreme Council of Press are no longer able to protect the...
When Sawt Al-Umma published an article on July 25, 2004 written by Essam Lotfy entitled “Those who pursue paradise in the courts of law…Dismissing Mamdouh Nakhla and Nagib Gibrail from the Word Center,” we did not mean to offend anyone. However, some of the article’s words were not accurate or...
Sawt Al-Umma published an article titled “The exact salaries of priests” by Fadi Habashi on July 26, 2004. Habashi’s claims about the financial state of Coptic clergymen reveals his ignorance. I have several comments on this article.
Terrorists are producing, directing and filming TV productions. They film their horrible crimes and send them to TV channels to be aired to the whole world. Why do we not speak up? Why do we not defend ourselves against this horrible accusation? Why do we not condemn these actions that have...
Dr. Murad Hoffman’s conversion to Islam was the end of a long course of study and thought. Hoffman compared Western civilization, ideologies and values on the one hand, and Islam, its philosophy and achievements on the personal and social levels, on the other hand. Hoffman wrote a book entitled “...


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