Displaying 6561 - 6570 of 8331.
Supreme Guide of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, Mahdī ‘Ākif, denied that his group has started the confrontation with the regime, saying the group "was just practicing their constitutional right of peaceful demonstration for reform, which was met on the part of the authorities with a spree of...
Public Prosecutor Māhir ‘Abd al-Wāhid ordered the release of 163 persons suspected of involvement with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.
The current generation of female Muslim Brotherhood members, or the al-Akhawāt [Sisters] Department, as named by the outlawed group, is different from the old guards.
The scenes of dancing veiled girls have lately increased on video clips and on TV. These offensive scenes have opened the debate on the veil and how it should be treated, and approached especially in media, which usually does not allow veiled TV presenters.
The recent period has seen a lot of talk about a so-called détente between Western governments and a number of political Islam movements in the Arab world, with conflicting analyses about the objectives, declared or covert, of either party.
I have no idea if the homicide and suicide concepts exit in Islam, or if it is a new fatwa issued by the Jihād jurisprudents, assuming that God is on their side, but suicide in other cultures would be committed to get a better life, but in the Jihādist point of view, you have to kill others and...
Unfortunately, centuries have gone by while we are still twisting the texts to justify rulers’ continuity in power, instead of pursuing an open-minded track of interacting with modern science.
The movie “ Kingdom of Heaven” is receiving critique and applauds for one scene between Muslims and Christians by presenting the core of the value system of Muslims as pertaining to “submission” and the Christians to “decision.”
The current winds of change in the Middle East is a welcome whiff of fresh air in the region, but the hasty promotion of democracy, could plunge the region deeper into the “dark side”, bringing the Moslem Brotherhood to power in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and elsewhere. While some in Washington are...
The dilemma of 30 veiled Egyptian TV presenters has recently surfaced again after their lawsuits against the Radio & Television Union (ERTU) kept getting postponed. This happened aftera TV commission report advocated their right to appear on TV with their veils.


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