Displaying 6571 - 6580 of 8331.
"Seems like Egypt wishes to try the Brotherhood rule", said the Nobel laureate Najīb Mahfouz, in reply to a question about how he sees Egypt in the upcoming days. This reply was meant to raise the alarm about the consequences of delaying the democratic reform.
One may wonder what if the Muslim Brotherhood came to power, taking into account the fact that they have neither plans nor platforms and that they do not accept any opinions that run counter against theirs.
Goethe was the first to declare that the call for separating the Islamic Orient from the Christian West is false. He alse said that a wise man takes from both sides and considers matters wisely and open-mindedly. Goethe was also leading those who frankly admitted the impact of Arab and Islamic...
In his book Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya…Ru’ya min al-Dākhil [Islamic Groups…an insider’s view], Muntasir al-Zayyāt, the lawyer of Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya, he tried to offer his vision for the declared alliance between [late President Muhammad Anwar] al-Sādāt, al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya and the Muslim...
The talk about developing the religious discourse did not end. It is exposed to contemporary ideas and affairs instead of being locked up in histories that are no longer applicable.
Ashraf al-‘Ashrī wonders whether the time has come for the Arab governments to start communicating publicly with Islamic groups after France and the EU have started to hold dialogues with Arab Islamic groups and not to, merely, restrict their relations to the Arab governments.
My meeting with Frances Fragos Townsend, the Assistant to the US President and Homeland Security Advisor, was to discuss bilateral cooperation between Egypt and the US in several fields and means and mechanisms to stand up against the phenomenon of terrorism, said Minister of Interior Habīb al-‘...
‘Amr Khlālid emerged to present a model and an idol for Muslim youth seeking modernity and moderation. He didn’t look or dress like classical clerics, and spoke the language of the poor and unprivileged, and gave hope to the hopeless.
Bahīy al-Dīn Hasan, the Director of the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies comments on the annual report that was released by the National Council for Human Right which has mentioned that Egypt was used as the CIA’s Mecca to torture prisoners and extort information before sending them either to...
Dr. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘ā, Muftī of Egypt, said that Islam has limited polygamy. In a Hadīth reported by Sālim, his father, Ghaylān Ibn Salāma al-Thaqafī, had ten concubines when he embraced Islam. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] told him to “chose only four of them” to marry.


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