Date of source: Friday, May 7, 2004
The Islamic state does not regards others [non-Muslims] in terms of their religious affiliation. The key aspect of the Islamic state is peaceful coexistence with the other. Muslim conquerors freed the Eastern peoples from this religious persecution. Mikhael Al-Syriani said that the Arabs allowed...
Date of source: Monday, May 10, 2004
I spent three days with members of this group after I was invited by them to “go out [exert efforts] for the sake of God.” The inviting sheikh mentioned three conditions that should be metby those who wanted to join the group. The first of these conditions is not speaking about politics and the...
Date of source: Monday, May 10, 2004
Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid will be the chairman of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, an Arab think tank based in Beirut. He has always wished to participate in independent cultural work. “The modernization of thought is the motto but what is more important than the motto is the means. The aim of...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 11, 2004
The Arab conquerors were tolerant toward the ancient Egyptian culture that was flourishing in the Alexandria Library. Arabs were tolerant with all the cultures of their time. They were very tolerant as long as it did not contradict the teachings of Islam. That is why the claim that the Arab...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Agence France -Pressse opened with the police preventing unrest in Taha al-‘Ameda after the priest and two members of the church had been killed “when the car in which they were being driven away for questioning crashed.” AFP also reports that “the police officer who was driving the car jumped out...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Bishop Paphnotius and the congregation of the priests of the diocese of Samalut and Taha Al-‘Ameda are bidding farewell to the souls of the innocent martyrs of church service, the priest and members of the administrative committee of the church of Mar Mina of Taha.
Date of source: Thursday, May 6, 2004
A priest and two members of the church board of Taha al-‘Ameda died after an accident with a speeding car driven by a police officer in the early hours of Sunday May 2. Problems started after six meters of a poorly built fence the old Mar Mina church in Taha al-‘Ameda collapsed because of a strong...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Hundreds of Muslims were killed by Christian militia in a new explosion of sectarian violence in Yelwa [Nigeria]. A Reuters correspondent saw burned and deformed corpses scattered all over the main street in the town, while thousands of Muslims on the side of the road were repeating religious...
Date of source: Sunday, May 9, 2004
Last Sunday, another deplorable incident of sectarian prejudice occurred in the village of Taha al-Ameda in Samalot, Minya, in Upper Egypt. Three innocent victims including Father Ibrahim al-Qiss Mikhail, priest of the local Mar Mina church, lost their lives. Three others—including the responsible...
Date of source: Sunday, May 9, 2004
Al-Ahram daily wrote that “The French magazine Le Point has written that Copts enjoy their full legitimate rights and that controversy over Copts’ rights as Egyptian citizens living on equal terms with Muslims, has ended It is clear from the original Le Point text that al-Ahram printed only part of...