Displaying 7821 - 7830 of 8331.
Some Islamic movements were able to incorporate the political language that is prevalent in the world. These movements realized that it is no longer possible to ignore big issues like human rights, democracy and women’s participation. Some Islamic movements still believe in the idea of a theocratic...
An Egyptian newspaper published yesterday that authorities had released 700 members of The Gama’a Al-Islamiya that was charged with carrying out terrorist attacks in the nineties before its recent initiative to reject violence. - See art. 11: Sayyed Al-Qimni criticizes pro-terrorism fatwas given...
There is a current debate concerning Amr Ibn Al-'As, and whether he was a pious figure. Islamic imposters have viciously attacked anyone who criticizes him, claiming that he is an Islamic figure, and affording him a holiness that has no religious or historical support.
Islamic movements represent one perspective on how reform could be brought about. Islamic movements do not monopolize Islam, and are only making suggestions. Islamic political parties have the complete right to present their views and its programs, and leave it up to the people and the citizens to...
There has recently been an uproar against [prominent dramatist] Usama Anwar Okasha for allegedly transgressing against Islam. This article presents his opinions.
The assassination of Dutch film producer Theo van Gogh and discussions about the limits of freedom of expression.
Like many others, I felt sad and angry watching that repressive “melodrama” by some symbols of extremism in a clear attempt to harm screenwriter Usama Anwar Okasha, a man of enlightened creativity. Matters went even worse as some had filed a hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality,...
The Grand Imam attempted to calm the worries [of the public] concerning the decision to give jurisdiction of judicial confiscation to Al-Azhar’s inspectors.. He explained that the publications that are outlined in this decision do not fall under the category of creativity, but rather conflict with...
Over and over again, we are just seeing the same incidents, names and climate that brought about terrorism, takfir [accusing someone of unbelief] and hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion]. - See art. 18, 19: Screening the Soap Opera "Bint min Shurba...
Our crisis is that we have people like Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, who wears the cowboy outfit and a hat and often forgets that he is Egyptian. He behaves as if he were “high commissioner.” Ibrahim is an ugly example of foreign interference in the country’s affairs. He preaches theories and ideas that...


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