Date of source: Monday, April 4, 2005
Tāriq Ramadān, grandson of late Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Bannā, has urged freezing capital
punishment in Islam like stoning and decapitation.
Ramadān also urged the mobilization of Muslims worldwide to ask
their governments to stop applying the hudoud, alleging the application...
Date of source:
A late bid by the German cultural center in Cairo was
really a model of how to materialize the recommendations involved in this agenda. Four Egyptians and four Germans were
handpicked for an overall dialogue. Religion and its duties, impact and interpretations were the focal point of the meeting...
Date of source: Sunday, April 3, 2005
Archpriest Zakariya Boutros is the host of a regular television programme aired by al-Hayat Christian satellite channel. His talk focuses on Islam, refuting what he describes as ‘its invalid principles’. I object to Fr Zakariya’s talk on two counts. First, his talks move the comparative religious...
Date of source: Monday, April 4, 2005
Coptic lawyers
have entered as a party in the political game in the Egyptian Bar Association elections. Despite the failure of all Coptic
candidates in the recent elections, the role played by Coptic lawyers was undeniable, forming another trump card in the face
of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Date of source: Monday, April 4, 2005
A Christian citizen brought suit against the grand Shaykh of the Azhar on the pretext that he lured his
daughter to convert to Islam and to leave her family’s house and stay with a Muslim.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 5, 2005
By assuming a civil, political role, the [Coptic]
Orthodox Church deviated from its religious mission to adopt the sectarian isolationist ideology of the Umma al-Qibtīya
“Coptic Nation Group” to become a “draft state”[in other words ‘Imāra is accusing the church of being separatist],
Date of source: Sunday, April 3, 2005
The division of
Muslims and Christians in a county like Egypt with its historical and demographic interconnection is next to impossible. So
it requires the staunch efforts of all extremist factions to keep the fire ablaze.
Date of source: Monday, April 4, 2005
only the little girl had not been a Christian and the kamikaze cab driver had not been a Muslim, it could have been possible
that one out of 29,000 road accidents taking place annually in Egypt would not turn into a focal point of statements by
expatriate Copts alleging persecution of...
Date of source: Thursday, March 31, 2005
Non-stop explanation of the facts of Islam and its tolerant teachings has to be extended to other nations through a line dissociating the faith from the misconducts of some Muslims, said Muhammad ‘Abd al-Fadīl al- Qousī, the deputy president of the Azhar University, in an interview.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 5, 2005
his book Features of Despotism, cAbd al-Rahman al-Kawākibī, who was born in Aleppo, Syria in 1854 and died in Egypt
in 1902, defines despotism as an epithet of a government that has absolute limitless powers that stops at no law and respects
no voice of its people. Kawākibī views that Islam,...